Business Partners

BituShip Hatch
Cover Tape

Product Definition: Self-adhesive tape laminated with elastomeric bitumen based high-strength polyester film.

Application: Surface of application should be dry,clean and free of oils , rust, silicones and dirt. Silicone film at the bottom surface is removed at the time of application and the product is applied directly on the surface prepared. Following the application, pressure is applied with a silicone on the product surface to ensure full adhesion avoiding air bubbles. Please refer to the application manual.

Storing: The product may be stored for maximum 1 year as of its production date in dry , ventilated and covered places at 5-25⁰.Protect from direct sunlight , cold weather , water, frost and severe weather conditions.

Packaging: Bituship is produced in 2 different dimensions, 15 cm width x 20 m length and 10 cm width and 20 m lenght.
15 cm product is presented in 2 rolls packed in boxes; whereas , our 10 cm product is presented in 3 rolls packed in boxes.
Bituship tape is 2 mm thick.


Visual Defects TS EN 1850-1 none
Length TS EN 1848-1 m -0,03 20
Width TS EN 1848-1 cm -1 10-15
Dimensional Deviation TS EN 1848-1 pass
Thickness TS EN 1849-1 mm ±0,2 2
Water Tightness TS EN 1928 (Method A 10kPa) full
Reaction to Fire TS EN 13501-1 class E
External Fire Performance TS ENV 1187 / TS EN 13501-1 class broof
Flexibility at Low Temperature TS EN 1109 (upper surface) ⁰C min. -20
Artificial Aging (EN 1296) ⁰C (-0 ; +10) -20
Adhesion Strength TS EN 12316-1 N min. 100
Heat Resistance (less than 2 mm) TS EN 1110 ⁰C min. 85
Following the artificial aging (EN 1296) ⁰C (-10 ; +0) 85
Tensile Strength (length) TS EN 12311-1 N/50 mm (-%0 ; +%30) 270
Elongation and Break (length) TS EN 12311-1 % (-0 ; +20) 50
Impact Resistance TS EN 12691 (Method A) mm min. 900
Resistance Against Static Loads TS EN 12730 (Method B) kg min. 20
Tear Resistance (length) TS EN 12310-1 N ±30% 55
Hazardous Materials none