Before deciding to return, the customer has to supply technical details of the reason for the return. If Seapart can supply the correct products instead, the priority is to do this after returning. If it is not possible, it should be followed by the below steps:

It may be accepted after the execution of the sale contract (If the order has not yet left the supplier’s premises), provided that a minimum of 20% of the total price and expenses if already incurred (i.e., packaging, transportation) are immediately paid by the customer. The exact return penalty will be determined according to the product manufacturer’s terms.

Canceling the order after the delivery of the goods may be accepted only if the products have any manufacturing fault. Returning defective goods shall be made in the manner deemed fit and confirmed in writing by Seapart.

In partial returns, the customer shall pay the initial transportation expenses. In no case are the customs and agency expenses paid by the seller.

For the advance-paid orders, the payback of the returned items will be made after the returned item is inspected by the main supplier and found acceptable.